October 18, 2024

The issue of dogs having lousy breath is prevalent. It is possible to find morning licks less appealing when your dog has bad breath. It is a mistake to ignore the smell emanating from your dog’s mouth. In many cases, the stinky breath of your pet could be an early warning sign that your dog may be suffering from different health problems.

It is a good idea to dig into the details to determine the root of your dog’s bad breath and how you can stop it and treat it before you offer your dog a treat for its teeth. This will give you an overall picture of your dog’s health.

What does the smell of your pet’s breath suggest about health?

Many dog owners consider the smell of their pet’s breath normal due to how often it happens. Dogs’ lousy breath can result from dental issues or overactive gut bacteria. Because bad breath is often the first sign of a health problem, we’ll look into the possible reasons behind pet foul breath.

1. Periodontal Disease

Dental issues are the most frequent reason why dogs suffer from bad breath. For animals, as humans, the build-up of plaque and tartar can cause gingivitis bacteria that manifests as bad breath.

The development of the periodontal disease can be caused by not taking care of your dental health over time. Plaque and tartar can trigger gum recession, which creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow in size and cause dental infections. You can ask the assistance of a vet for comprehensive pet dental services to treat your pet’s oral ailment.

2. Diabetes

A sour odor that is present on your pet’s breath could be a sign of diabetes, a condition that is shown by high levels of blood sugar. A high sugar concentration in the blood can make the breath of a dog smell sweet, and the presence of bacteria could cause it to smell sour or musty.

Diabetes is a condition that often causes various symptoms, such as excessive drinking, blurred eyes, and urinary tract infections. Make an appointment with an internal medicine vet in Clearlake if you notice any of these symptoms. Like humans, the dog’s diabetes is treatable with medications.

3. Tumor

Oral tumors could further explain why your pet’s breath is terrible. The growths can be caused by the rapid growth and multiplication of the cells that reside in your pet’s mouth.

Sometimes, the rate of tissue growth is higher than the rate at which the body can provide adequate blood flow to the region. If these tissues are not receiving enough circulation, they start to die. When they occur, your dog’s horrible breath smells like something that’s died. You can click here to know more about the health indications of your old pet’s breath.

4. Liver Disease

Toxins can remain in the bloodstream when the liver isn’t working correctly. The same is true for the lung. It could be accompanied by a strong scent that is feculent upon exhalation. Other symptoms like jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and mouth) as well as weakness and instability as well as, in some cases, seizures may be observed in the case of liver disease.

Liver diseases can occur as we age or may be passed down through the generations. However, oxidative stress is a significant factor in developing liver issues. The most common reasons for oxidative stress are being overweight, eating lots of processed food, living near radiation, or living in a polluted area.

5. Kidney Disease

Urea is a waste product generated in the body due to the degrading of proteins. The kidneys are accountable for removing urea from the bloodstream. However, when they’re not functioning fully, the level of urea in the blood rises.

Halitosis can develop when there is an unusually high level of urea in the bloodstream. The smell is described as similar to the smell of ammonia.